I would most likely die if I got COVID-19. I'm not being dramatic or pessimistic in any way. I'm being truthful, and yes maybe a little too blunt for some people's liking, but that's pretty much the sum of it.
As most of you know I have Cystic Fibrosis, had both of my lungs replaced by two living donor lobes in 2001, had a living kidney transplant in 2008, and had a second living kidney transplant in 2018. The great thing is that I've seen where a few people who've gotten COVID-19 after transplants have recovered. That's such incredible news! It brings me so much joy to see some of my lung and kidney brothers and sisters overcoming something such as awful as this virus.
I, however, was diagnosed with an inflammatory pneumonia in March, 2020 after recovering from an infectious pneumonia in January, 2020. The type of pneumonia I currently have is still being treated with high-dose prednisone (it's not a type of pneumonia that can be treated with antibiotics like most). My doctors are hopeful that I can overcome this, but it is a poor diagnosis for a lung transplant patient. I'm also more immunosuppressed than I normally am because of the prednisone, so there's that too. Pneumonia + immunosuppression + COVID-19 would not be a good combination.
I'm scared! I said it! I'm actually terrified! I'm living with my mom and dad after recently going through a separation, and we are all being as careful as we can regarding social distancing, disinfecting, wearing masks, hand-washing, etc. BUT, unfortunately, we are not cut off from the world completely, and as the number of cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in my state, there is a greater chance of me coming into contact with it somehow. And of course I worry about where this is going. Will there be second, third, fourth waves of this virus? Will it mutate and become like the flu... something that comes back every year but as a different strain? Will a vaccine just be a guess and provide SOME protection like the flu vaccine, or will it be a cure like the Polio vaccine? There are so many unknowns!
Now some may say that my life is expendable because I've had so many more years than the doctors thought. I've been given three life-saving transplants, I've been able to watch my daughter grow up to become a woman and be self-sufficient, but do you think your life would be expendable if you wanted to live to see more of your child's dreams come true, to see your grandchildren, to travel more, to do more things you'd hoped you get to do in life? Do you think that your life would be expendable if you knew how much pain your passing would cause your daughter, your parents, your sister, your extended family, your friends? I highly doubt it.
I want to live! I want my family and friends to live! And I'm asking all of you who took the time to read this to please do your part in helping to stop the spread of this pandemic. I know that those who haven't been able to work will need to go back. I know there are those who have no money to pay for bills and food. I understand that and totally sympathize with you. The thing I'm asking is to please continue as much social distancing as you can, please wear a mask at work if you have to be near others, please keep your hands washed, and for goodness sakes, please stay home if you feel the slightest bit sick. I'm also asking for those of you who can work remotely or don't work outside the home to continue self-isolating until the curve has flattened in your state or country.
Do this for others if not for yourself. As much as we'd like to think this pandemic is almost over, I do fear we haven't even seen the worst of it. Peace and love to all! Thanks for reading!
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