First of all a very Happy Veteran's Day to all of you who have served or are still serving in the Armed Forces. This includes my husband who served in the Marines for 4 years. :)
It was a great weekend celebrating Casey's birthday. I can't believe she is 14!! That means that one year from now she can get her learner's permit provided she takes driver's ed in the summer (which of course she can't wait to do). How scary is that??? Casey also got her report card on Friday, and made straight A's. I'm so proud of her for working so hard in her new and challenging school. It's been a rough 9 weeks, but her homework seems to have eased up a bit in the past few weeks thanks to the school's principal stepping in and asking the teachers to tame it down a bit. :)
Jason and I leave for Duke in the morning. I have a dermatology appointment and a lung transplant appointment tomorrow. We are going to stay the night, because I have a bronchoscopy on Friday. This bronch is to make sure that my acute rejection is gone. I am now back down to 5 mg of prednisone. The IV steroid and prednisone taper were not so bad. Of course I had to watch my blood sugars, but other than that, there weren't many side effects.
Yesterday was my one year kidney transplant anniversary. It's hard to believe it has been a year now. There have been very few bumps in the road regarding my new kidney. Praise God for that!
Tomorrow is my 8 year double lung transplant anniversary!!! If you would like to read about my lung transplant, you can go here.
A big humungous thank you to my mom and Uncle Joey. Without them, I would not be here now. For those of you new to my blog, my mom and uncle each donated a lobe of their lung to me, and my mom donated her kidney to me. They are my heroes and I love them both so much.
I'll leave you with a few pics from Casey's party and some pictures of her "new" room. I made the banner and decorated her bulletin board as a surprise for her last week...
[55+] Oasis Verte Moderne - ..
1 day ago
Yeah for blogging! I love Casey's cake. Congrats on your birthdays! Love ya girl!
I've missed your posts too! Happy bronching! :)
Great pics! Love the 'lit star!'
tell Casey Happy bday for me and give her a big kiss for me...i loved the pics! Happy lung bday for you. Did you get my crazy message I sang to you? lol...let me know how your bronch goes. LOVE U!
Happy kindey and lung anniversaries! Praying for the bronch results...saw your facebook status.
I love Casey's cake!! Did you make it?
So glad things are going well for you!
Katey, I would love to say that I made the cake, but no.. it's a fondant cake from a local bakery. :)
Shea, it's good to see you comment. I hope you are well. :)
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