The song Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson that's on my playlist is also on our American Idol ps2 game. Casey sings it beautifully, but she won't let me tape her singing it. She gets the highest score possible almost every time she sings it on the game. She wants to take voice lessons next year. I just have to find someone who will take a 12 (almost 13) year old. Most places want to wait until the kids are 15.
Here's some news about Casey... she got a 95 on her end of grade testing in math. That really is an awesome score. I'm so proud of her. She had to get a 90 or above to stay in advanced math for 7th grade. She has worked really hard this year!!
More news... plans for my 20 year high school reunion have been finalized. It's August 30th. We are supposed to meet for lunch at a park with our children and then we will have an adults only party that night. It should be a lot of fun.. our 10th year reunion was, but I am not sure if I will feel up to it or not.....
I have doubled my diuretics over the past 2 weeks, and I continue to have more swelling and joint pain. I am going this week for some blood work to see how my kidneys are doing, but I have never been on this much diuretic before, and it's not helping as much as it used to. I'm so glad they started all of the testing on my mom, because I may need that transplant sooner than later. I really am ready to feel better.
More news.. Jason and I are putting our plans of selling our house and buying a new one on hold for now. We are thinking that it might be best to wait until after my kidney transplant. I want to feel my best when we are packing and moving and... buying new furniture.. :)
That's it for now I guess.. I am going to go finish the book I'm reading called Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.. it's awesome!!
[55+] Oasis Verte Moderne - ..
1 day ago
How long have you been waiting for your transplant?
How long did you have to wait for your lungs?
I am praying you get the call soon!!
Sorry to hear your not feeling well. I will pray for you.
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