Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Who knew...

that braces cost so much now? OK, I won't say what every parent says... "When I was little...", because we know that everything costs more now than it did when we were little.

Casey gets braces in 2 weeks. I'm so thankful for good insurance! She's on her dad's insurance and Jason's, so she's pretty much covered. 

She only has to have them on for 10 months, so she'll be getting them off around the middle of her 8th grade year. She has no bite problems and no teeth that need pulling so that's good. I have never known anyone to keep them on for such a short time. I'm not complaining though! I think I had mine on about 18 months.

The orthodontist also told us that they take kid's wisdom teeth out earlier now than they did years ago. I think I was 22 or something like that. Now, I guess the average age is about 16 or 17. They will decide when she needs them out after she gets her braces off.

Do any of you still wear your retainer? My teeth are just now starting to shift. I haven't worn my retainer since I was about 18 and my dog ate it. :) Seriously! 


OceanDesert said...

Never had braces.

Never had a retainer.

Never had my wisdom teeth pulled.

I always say my teeth were always the healthiest part of me!

Glad Balin is feeling better!!!

Unknown said...

Tell me about it....Daniel had braces, then Emily (she gets hers off next week), and next will be Ethan. It seems like just as soon as I get one paid off it's time to start another one! At least she won't have to wear them long. Daniel had his for nearly 4 years (which is totally ridiculous). Emily had hers for just over 2 years. None of my kids have had their wisdom teeth out though...their dentist has actually never even mentioned it.

Hope said...

Braces for only 10 months is awesome!! I still haven't had my wisdom teeth pulled, they never grew in.

Katelyn said...

I wear my retainer a few times a week just to make sure that they aren't moving. I wore braces for too long to not maintain them!

Graciy said...

feel free, I wouldn't mind at all :o)

The Smithson Family said...

I had braces twice...the first time my parents paid for them, the second time I had to pay! I wore my retainer but it began getting loose. I almost choked on it one night, and I quit wearing it after in that. Now I have permanent retainers (glued to my top 5 front teeth and bottom 5 front teeth). It is hard to floss, but it is the best way to remembering to wear the retainer(s), no losing retainers, no stinky retainers, no extra cleaner for the retainers, no retainer checks(the dentist checks mine at my cleanings), and they don't cost as much since it is just a piece of metal glued to my teeth!
She is lucky that she only has to wear them for 10 months. I wore my braces 3 years the first time and 2 years the second time! Not fun or cool!

Somer Love said...

I had braces for 8 months not very long at all...

They put a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth. They didn't do it for the top then but they do now. I am tempted to get them re alined (sp) and get a permanent one on top.

I had a overbite when I was lil so in 5th grade I had to wear a retainer to correct that for a couple years it had plastic ants in it. This also could be why i didn't have braces for very long.

Megan said...

I've had braces too. I had them for 6 months which made my friends who had braces jealous. Some had braces for more than 2 years. In a couple of weeks I'll be getting the retainer thing that is glued to the back of my front teeth off. (Its a good idea I got that as I don't both with the one overnight). Xx

Courtney said...

I still have my retainer, but I can't remember the last time I wore it. I have a permanent retainer on the bottom.

I gave you an award on my blog!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Brings back memories. I had braces for 4 years and 4 months. Don't know how my mom managed that when I was younger. That was over 20 years ago. No longer wear anything.

Debbie said...

I had braces for less than a year & was never given a retainer. My teeth have since moved some from what they had did. Two of my daughters had braces, & I was told from friends they should definitely continue to wear the retainer a few times a week at night so their teeth wouldn't move.