I'll admit I've not been going to church. At first my excuse was my kidney transplant, then it was because of the high anti-rejection meds and not wanting to be in a crowd and get sick, then it was my sinus surgery... well, now that I don't have an excuse, I really don't want one anymore. I want to go back to church. I have missed it. I'm missing being fed like I am when I go, and "fellowshipping" with other believers. My heart is yearning for God's house, and I'm going this weekend.
There are many reasons that I haven't wanted to go to church... most of which are very personal, so I won't get into them. I've been praying about it, and God is really speaking to me recently in so many ways. I'm sure my post-transplant depression has had something to do with making excuses not to go, but there are other things too, that I've been trying to work past.
Yes, I will go this weekend, and I'm really excited about it. Some of my church friends, I haven't seen since before transplant. I have been to church a few times since then, but our church is so big, with 5 services, that you just can't possibly see everyone.
I'm getting ready to read The Shack again. It's a most wonderful book, and really hits home to a lot I'm struggling with right now. If you haven't read it, maybe you should pick up a copy! I don't think you'll regret it. :)
I'll leave you with a goofy pic of Jason and me. He was talking on the phone, getting ready to leave for work about 30 minutes ago, and I said "Honey, let's get a pic in case we never see each other again." He thinks I'm nutz.
[55+] Oasis Verte Moderne - ..
2 days ago
You guys are so cute and funny!!
I read The Shack and thought it was good...strange but good! I am glad you are going back to church this weekend...I miss it when we don't go for awhile....I know it will be wonderful for you to be back! We went to church at the campgrounds this weekend and I loved it. A nice little church with some very nice people and a great message!!
Ok, that pic is so cute!!! I love it! I have a strong faith in God, but it is hard for me to be super great about attending Mass. I think it's partly because we have not found a Church here in Vegas that we feel at home in. In Bakersfield, the church we were married in feels like home. It is the church we went to together for the first time, my baptism was there, we were married there, my grandparents both had their funerals there...etc...etc. It's home. It's hard to find home in another place for me.
I hope you are able to find your way back, if that is what you want.
I haven't been to church since December. I am afraid of germies!!
We haven't been doing church much in the past 2 years due to my health and "frustrating people" (in relationship to my health).
I have the book I just haven't started it.
I haven't been to church in a while and I feel it. There is just something missing. My Sweetie and I want to find a church we both like and that is hard in this town. I don't want that to be the reason why we don't go...
So cute! I have to read the Shack, I've so many great reviews on it! I may have to stop by Barnes & Noble tomorrow after Reilly's CF clinic & pick it up.
I understand about not attending church. I have gotten out of the "habit" of going, when I was younger I went every Sunday, no excuses. Now all I have are excuses, but I really feel like I am being led to return. My church family is wonderful, inviting, and it makes me feel like I am home. I also want Reilly raised in that environment. It was so good for me, I think it is a wonderful thing.
I really need to read that book! I love the picture. He's right, you are nutz, but I like that in my friends. It's an endearing quality.=)
LOL seriously you make me laugh. because you said lets get a pic if we never see each other again... So automatically I thought it would be some sappy photo... and it was a goofy one. It totally made me laugh.. thanks!!!
I loved The Shack... I think EVERY one should read it!!
SUCH a cute picture. you guys are a great couple!
glad you are finally feeling well enough to go back to your spiritual family as well. happy churching!
great pic! hope your appt goes or went well ? take care!
Christy, I love "The Shack" one of my all-time favs. It does help to deal with our issues of dying and what happens afterwards and stuff like that. It really hit home for me and I heard about it from one of my doctors. I'm glad you got to see Dr. P today and I know he is upset about Shannon and Lori and I know he wishes he was caring for them. He got mad at me when I went to FL for care and then he welcomed me back with open arms and was genuinely happy to be taking care of me again. How was your appt.? Let us know how PFT's were and your prograf level. Peace & Love, Amy
I've got it on my list to read!
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