There is so much going on right now in my life. Please keep my family and me in your prayers. I'm not sure if I'm going to be admitted tomorrow or not for IV antibiotics. My lung transplant doc who usually handles my admissions for desensitization has completely given this over to my infectious disease doc who has yet to review my case. I'm hoping to know something by tomorrow morning. I love Duke, but sometimes their policy is to "hurry up and wait" if you know what I mean.
Anyway.. I'll keep you posted! Thanks everyone!!
[55+] Oasis Verte Moderne - ..
1 day ago
Thanks for checkin' on me! You are a doll. I posted some more pics from Alaska and an update. Thinking about you. Keep us posted...
Awww I am praying for you!!!!!!!!!!
i will spend some extra time praying for both your family and tricia's in the next couple of days. and of course i will keep you both in my thoughts as you handle these challenges with grace and strength, as always.
Hey Christy, just checking in to see if you were able to get started on the abx... I know exactly what you mean about tx centers... ya love 'em, but sometimes it's the run-around that drives ya nuts! Hugs to you... and LOVING the pix your daughter took! You've got quite the gal!
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