My daughter has applied to an IBO school for next year in the Middle Years Programme. I'm just curious if any of you have any experience with these schools. I know that they will offer her more of a challenge, and better prepare her for college than the traditional public school. I'd like to hear your opinions. By the way, she'll be getting her SAT scores at the end of this week. I'm curious to know what she makes on them as a 7th grader.
[39+] Versets Coraniques Écrits - ..
3 days ago
never heard of the school before but GO CASEY!!!!
I teach at an IBO school for the primary years! It is an awesome program! I think it makes for a well rounded and blananced student. Our students are very caring and resposible. 97% of our students are free and reduced lunch and are well below poverty level, yet our school has amazing test results! 95% of our students meet or exceed expectations on the state test (CRCT). Every 9 out of 10 students started school here speaking only Spanish. We are also a very transient school. The IBO program incorporates real world skills, knowledge of other cultures, postive attitudes, and freedom to learn through the multiple intelligences all while doing the basic academics, reading, language arts, math, science, social studies, etc. We also offer Spanish, German, and Mandrin Chinese classes. It is a lot of work for the teachers and it requires following strick guidelines, but it has made me a better teacher. I think your daughter would love the program and I have heard it is the "new" thing when colleges look at your application! If you would like to know anymore or have questions, feel free to send me an email . :)
Way to go for being a risk-taker (this is an IBO profile word)!
I commented behind you on my blog...I wanted to make sure Jason will be posting updates for us. HUGS!! When is your "last meal". Better make it good food girl!
I'm NPO after midnight Heidi. Not sure what I'm going to eat yet between now and then. :) Ice cream with chocolate syrup perhaps... and lots of insulin?
I just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say I think you're an amazing person! ...And not many people impress me! Keeping you in my prayers.
Wow! I just clicked on the link to find out more as I have never heard of this. How exciting!
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