Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Now we REALLY wait

Christy is out of surgery.  Everything's cool.  Just had the consult with the scalpel jockey.  Darn it, forgot to get his picture!  Anyway, her maxillary sinuses have been thoroughly scraped and reshaped.  The doc said that she's probably going to feel like she's had all her teeth pulled.  Yowzers!

Anyway, now we REALLY wait.  3-4 hours of recovery and then they MIGHT have decided on which floor to put her.  More to follow.



Anonymous said...

Glad she is out of surgery. I guess everything went well? Thanks for keeping us updated. I have been thinking of Christy all day! And your sense of humor is entertaining, too! Maybe Christy should let you blog every now & then. :o)

Heidi said...

Glad she is out of surgery!! praying for you girl! Love ya!

ps. Jason, you have caused me to waste 2 hours of my day on that stupid game!! It is so addicting. What I meant to say was, thanks for the great link!

Scalpel jockey. You are too much.

Tina said...

Thanks for the update. yes your humor reminds me of someone I know...

Anonymous said...

Yay glad she is out. Make sure they keep my gal comfy..with pain meds. Hopefully you both will have a good night of sleep!