Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I promise you guys that Casey's photo in the previous post is SOOOO fake.  I put it up mainly for the comedy.  The girl knows how pull your strings with just the right look.

Anyway, I left the ICU, and Christy, about an hour ago.  They're going to keep her in there one more night.  The main problem is availability of a room.  However, Christy is still having some issues waking up.  The last "conversation" I had with her started with her wondering how they can wait longer than 4 hours to put the new kidney in her, and finishing with her being VERY  angry because nobody would give her food....or a phone.....or a computer to look up something about her condition.  It was all I could do not to laugh at her.

I'm going to turn in for the night.  We're doing real well up here and we're moving ahead.  I'll get back into the ICU just after 9 am.  Good night, all.



Debbie said...

Thanks for the continued updates. I am thankful all is going well. I am sure it must be hard for Casey to leave her mom. I will continue to pray for the whole family.

Becky said...

I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing OK. Please keep us posted on everyones condition. I'll keep ya'll in my thoughts and prayers.

kristin said...

Jason, please continue to tell Christy that as always, I am thinking of her and love her.
Thank you for the updates and
hoping you are getting some rest, too.

kat said...

jason thanks for the laugh. caseys picture is kinda funny, i know its just her being a kid. its great you took it and posted it to show her years later will be a laugh for everyone.
its so funny how nutzy is acting. i really cant wait for her reaction when she reads all the updates..