My mom had her follow-up appointment at Duke today. The doc's exact words were... "You have some kick-a** kidneys". haha! She said apparently several of the doctors had been discussing our case and came up with that conclusion. She is doing great and is released. She doesn't have to go back.
I got tons of sleep last night. I really needed it I think. I didn't slow down at all yesterday. I haven't had pain med in over 24 hours now. I guess the prednisone is keeping the inflammation down. My blood pressure is creeping up, so I'll have to keep an eye on it and maybe start on a med for it if it continues this trend. I have a prescription for it already. The nephrologist just told me to start it if it chronically stays up.
Brenda was here with me last night and drove Casey and me around. We have some errands to run today after we pick Casey up from school and then we will just chill at home. I think I'm trying to do way more than I should. The prednisone is giving me so much energy (and probably the fact that I have a functioning kidney now), that I have to make myself sit down. They do want me walking a lot, but I can't even vacuum or sweep for a month. (darn, no housework..haha) When you have felt so bad for so long and all of a sudden you have energy, you don't want people telling you to sit and take it easy... :).
[55+] Oasis Verte Moderne - ..
1 day ago
Hey,,,Glad Your Mom is doing so Well
Christy. I think I see where You get
Your tough Chickyness from : }
It's Great that You feel like You can do so much now,But Don't push it
to hard.
So no house work for a whole month, You poor thing you lol...
Glad Your are feeling so much better Gal. Now as the Kids say
just chill ..... : }
wow nutzy you sound like your doing great. im so happy your mom is doing that great with her kick A** kidney . she healed so fast, such a strong women. its great to see you having more energy, but do as the docs say and dont do any house work thats a wish of mine HA.
Sit down! Take it easy! LOL! Don't push yourself too hard. I'm so glad your mom has such kick butt kidneys! Keep workin' hard at RESTING!
nutzy listen to what heidi said,she said it just the way i was thining it but the words she used are so much better then what i thought of. i think mine had alot of TAWK and WAWK in them.
Great to hear your mom is doing well and you got much needed rest. :)
I'm believing God to touch you supernaturally- inflammation and blood pressure etc.
Prednisone makes me feel like superwoman. ;) I'm like a rocket that takes off when I'm feeling better after a long stent, I hear ya~
Hey there Christy! I am so thankful you and your mom are making such great progress, Miss Thing with the Kick A!%**@ Kidney! haha... I smiled when I read that you couldn't let go of your Casey for 5 minutes...will our children ever grasp how much we love them? only when they become mothers...I loved your Twilight hickey and I too plan to see the movie, so tell Casey to give me an update after she goes! Take it easy when you can, I know it's hard, like you said when we feel GOOD we just wanna GO for it! (this does not include housework.ha) Love you, keep the updates coming and tell Jason I look forward to new episodes of Charlie the Unicorn! Jason is hilarious! Take care sweet girl, we love you and hope to see you as soon as possible!
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